Thursday, May 28, 2009

French Fort Lauderdale

Only in Fort Lauderdale, Florida for a short while, I enjoyed Cuban cuisine (but of course!), American vegetarian creations, and also found two great spots for French-inspired food:

For savory crepes and other divine entrees --- La Bonne Crepe on Las Olas

For baguettes, beignets, croissants, and everything sweet --- Croissan'Time French Bakery

Bon Appetit!

Friday, May 15, 2009

French Movie: Mon Oncle

This is a great "silent" movie - with very little words, this is a masterpiece of non-verbal communication, modern interior design, and comedy. I found it at my library, knowing nothing of it, and come away intrigued and enchanted.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Floridian Eats: La Bonne Crepe

Photo credit: Jules @ The Francophile Files

For the dish on this lovely restaurant in South Florida, check out my article La Bonne Crepe, Fort Lauderdale.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

French Movie: The Valet

I recently made a trip to the library to stock up on movies. It's always an adventure to see what DVDs are scattered on the shelf. Sometimes I come away with empty hands, but other days I find an interesting array of films.

My surprise-find this time was The Valet, a cute movie based in France. The storyline is sad in that it is based around a scandalous divorce, but the presentation of the subject is lighthearted and sweet in that the tale focuses on a unique relationship that develops between a young, slightly nerdy valet and a famous supermodel. The overall essence of the movie is hopeful and sweet despite the dark situation of relationship troubles that create the background to the focal aspects of this story.